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Покупки. Найуживаніші покупки

ТЕМА УРОКУ:  “ Shops  and  Shopping


  • Практична:розвивати вміння усного мовлення за темою: удосконалювати  навики аудіювання, діалогічного та монологічного мовлення.
  • Розвиваюча: розвивати мовленнєву реакцію, слухову пам’ять, увагу, вмінняпрацювати в парах та групах.
  • Виховна:виховувати культуру поведінки, шанобливе ставлення до людей та один до одного.

ТИП УРОКУ:  урок  вдосконалення мовних навичок і вмінь з теми.


ОБЛАДНАННЯ: тематичні малюнки, картки з лексикою, тексти для читання, фонограма тексту для аудіювання,картки для проведення тесту, пісня групи ABBA”.

The Procedure

1. Telling the pupils the subject and the aims of the lesson.

2. Phonetic drills.

3. Warming up.

4. Practice in Speaking.

5. Time for refreshment.

6. Practice in Reading.

7. Practice in Listening.

8. Conclusion and Homework.

II Основна частина


I. Introduction to the topic of the lesson

Hello, girls and boys! Nice to meet you how are you feeling today? I hope you are fine and ready to work. Let’s start the class. Today’s lesson will be devoted to shops and shopping.

English proverb: Take care as the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.  

  • Phonetic drills

[t] tomato, meat, bottle, tin, toyshop, trainers, sweater, little, certainly, gift shop

[d] doll, doll’s house, teddy bear, dress, dairy, department store

[b] bread, butter, baker's, buy, ball, boots, butcher's

[t∫] change, chocolate, cheese, cheap

[∫] shoes, sure, shoe shop, shirt, shampoo, shopping mall, fishmonger's

[ð] this, that, those, clothes shop

[r] orange, carrot, try, greengrocer's

Which of these words are the names of the shops

II. Warming up.  Practice in vocabulary

  1. Listen to the key words and repeat them, pay attention to the pronunciation.

Key Words: Buy, polite, cash, sell, try on, seller, food, , exciting, convenient, pay, offer, cheap, customer, expensive, various, shop assistant, baker, wrap, suit, choose, , shopping mall, credit card,cheap ,tasty , fresh , 

1..Answer the questions.

Pre- reading

  • Do you like shopping?
  • What kinds of shops do you like?
  • How many shops are there in your area?
  • Who does the shopping in your family?
  • How often do you go shopping?
  • Do you prefer to go shopping on weekdays or at the weekends?
  • When did you do  last  shopping      

  • Task 2.Now pupils you’ ll get  cards and your task is to match the pairs.


  1.  boutique
  2. lilies
    1. antique shop
  3. jeans
    1. butcher’s
  4. plane ticket
    1. jeweler’s
  5. bar of chocolate
    1. flower stall
  6. a packet of painkillers
    1. bakery
    1. confectioner’s
  7. a loaf of bread
    1. supermarket
  8. gold ring
    1. chemist’s
   10) travel agent’s
  1. sugar
  2. lamb chops


1 – b                      6 – g

2 – f                       7 – d

3 – j                        8 – I

4 – h                       9 – e

5 – a                     10 – c

III.  Practice in Speaking.

We are going to listen to the dialogues you’ve prepared at home. And after listening be ready to tell in what shop the conversation takes place.

  1. - Do you want a hat?

- Yes, I do.

- What size? What colour?

- My size is 40.Grey, please.

- Here you are.

- Thank you.

-  You are welcome.

What kind of  shop is it  ?

     2- One loaf of brown bread, please.

         -Here you are.

         - How much is it?.

         - 1 hryvnia and 80 copecks.

         - Here are 2 hryvnias.

         -  Here is your change, 20 copecks-  Thank you.

Where can  I buy a loaf of of bread ?

     3. - Can I help you?

- Yes, please. I would like some cheese.

- How much?.

- Half a kilo will do.

- 1 hryvnia and 80 copecks.

- Here are 2 hryvnias.

-  Here you  are. Anything else?

-  No, thanks.

-  You are welcome.

What kind of shop  is it ?

  1. - What lovely T-shirts!

- Can I help you?.

- Yes. Can I have a look at this red T-shirt?

- Yes, of course. What size are you?

- Size 36. I think.

- Then  you want a small. they come in small, medium and large. Here you are.

-  Thank you. I think I’ll have it. How much does it cost?

-  45  hryvnias.

-  Can I pay by a credit card?

-  Yes, of course.

 Where can  I buy  lovely T- shirt ?

     5. - Can I help you?

- Yes, please. I’m looking for a raincoat.

- This long light dark – pink leather coat is good for young people. It has pockets and is decorated with zippers.

- Oh, it’s nice. I’ll take it. How much does it cost?

- 500 hryvnias.

- O’K. I’ll take it.

What kind of shop  is it ?

     6. - Can I have this nice red woolen sweater?

- Of course. By the way, it is very warm and soft. It will keep you warm on a chilly day.

- I take it.

What kind of  shop is it ?

 7.- Good – morning.

- Good – morning.

- How can I help you?

- I’d like half a kilo of cheese, three hundred grams of butter and a packet  of milk.

- There you are.

- Thank you.

-  Do you need anything else?

-  I’d like two kilos of apples, please.

-  Sorry. I don’t sell apples.

-  Then I suppose I’d buy eggs. Are they fresh?

-  Surely, they are. how many eggs do you need?

-  A dozen. So cheese, butter, milk, eggs. Well, that’s all for me. How much should I pay?

-  65 hryvnias and 80 copeeks.

-  Here you are.

-  Thank you for your custom.

 Where can  I buy some butter ?

  1. - Can I help you?

- I’d like to buy three kilos of oranges. How much is a kilo of oranges?

- They are 15 hryvnias a kilo. The oranges are very good.

- I’d like 3 kilos, please.

- That’s  45 hryvnias, please. Anything else?

 -  Yes, can I have a packet of fruit juice.

-  Here you are.

-  How much should I pay?

-  55 hryvnias, please.

-  Thank you.

-  Thank you for your custom.

Where was your conversation ?

  1. - Three small ice – creams, please.

- What flavour?

- What flavours have you got?

- I’ve got strawberry, vanilla, chocolate and coffee. 

- O’K. One strawberry, one chocolate and one coffee, please. 

-  Right … here you are.

-  How much is that?

-  They are 2 hryvnias each … that’s 6 hryvnias altogether.

What kind  of shop is  it ?

IV. Time for refreshment.

I think it’s a good time for you to relax and sing a song.

Money is very important in shopping, because shopping is really impossible without money so let’s sing a song «Money, money» together with the famous group «ABBA».

I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills

I have to pay

Ain't it sad And still there never seems

to be a single penny left for me

That's too bad

In my dreams! have a plan

If I got me a wealthy man

I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around

and have a ball...

Money, money, money

Must be funny

In the rich man's world

Money, money, money

Always sunny

In the rich man's world


All the things I could do If I had a little money It's a rich man's world

A man like that is hard to find but 1 can't get him

off my mind

Ain't it sad

And if he happens to be free I bet he wouldn't fancy me That's too bad

So I must leave, I'll have to go

To Las Vegas or Monaco

And win a fortune in a game, my life will never

be the same...

Money, money, money

Must be funny

In the rich man's world

Money, money, money

Always sunny

In the rich man's world

Вправа  1 с. 112

Post –reading

Вправа 2 , 3 с . 114

VI. Writing

9. Злічувальні та незлічувальні іменники. Вживання some, any.

1. I`ve got _______  magazines.
2. Have you got ______ DVD players?
3. There are ______ great new CDs this week.
4. We haven`t got _______ bread.
5. They`ve got _______ new computer games in the shop.
6. Are there ______ cafes in this shopping mall?

   10. Рефлекція

What is the word “Shopping” associated with?

You should divide these words into three columns “Noun”, “Adjective” and “Verb”.

 Buy, polite, cash, sell, try on, seller, food, discounts, exciting, convenient, pay, offer, cheap, customer, expensive, various, shop assistant, baker, wrap, suit, choose, look around pharmacy, shopping mall, credit card.

11. Учні задають питання вживаючи зворот thereis\areTeacher: Yesterday I went shopping too. There are some things in my bag. Do you want to know what is n my bag?

Pupils: Is there a box of sweets there?

            Is there a jar of coffee?

               Are there any apples there?

Teacher: This is my shopping bag. Fill in some, a, an.

(Pupils take out different things from the shopping bag and fill the sentences)

  1. There are __ sweets in your shopping bag.
  2. There is __ sugar in your shopping bag.
  3. There is __ apples in your shopping bag.
  4. There is __  cheese in your shopping bag.
  5. There are __ pens in your shopping bag.
  6. There is __ cabbage in your shopping bag.

Keys:  1. some; 2. some; 3. a; 4. some; 5. some; 6. A

           Teacher: What shops have I visited today?

           Pupils: You have visited diary shop today

                        You have visited greengrocer’s today

                        You have visited stationery today

                        You have visited confectionary today

VI. Summing up

Teacher: Today we’ve talked about shopping. You have demonstrated your knowledge on the topic. I believe that if you go abroad you will be able to do shopping but don’t forget English proverb: Take care as the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.



Teacher: What things are associated with the word shopping?


Now your home task is:  Make  a story “ I am in the Tesco supermarket”